


Welcome to my blog about my progress on the Medifast diet. I'll be posting recipes, thoughts, and just words in general. If there's anything you want to see, just let me know.

I started out by going with my father, mewfla, and meeting with a TSFL Health Coach. We worked through my four week menu and any questions I had. After waiting for my package to come in, my official week one began on June 12th.

I weighed in at 289.6 lbs, while not my highest weight, is still more than I ever wanted to be. It was a little difficult to follow the plan when I work at a baseball stadium in the food area but I managed. I stayed OP the entire week, no snacking and no cheating. I'm proud of myself.

Right now, I am 20 years old and currently attending college. I graduate this December with my B.A. and hope to get into graduate school. I want to be able to fly across the country without needing a seatbelt extender or to buy a second seat. I want to be able to fit on amusement park rides (which I didn't fit because I have wide hips and not because of my weight). I want to be able to go up three flights of stairs without needing to catch my breath. I don't want to go through life as the biggest girl in class anymore.

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